Prostatitis is the third by the degree of importance of the disease among urological diseases. More than 20% of men 20 to 50 years of age, suffer from chronic prostatitis.
Especially in recent times have multiplied the cases of prostatitis among young people (85%), which is retrieved from a sexually transmitted disease. The treatment of prostatitis involves a comprehensive approach and lasts for a very long time. As well as genitourinary disease in men is directly related to the reproductive function, is the relevance of the problem of prostatitis only increases and involves the search for new forms of treatment of prostatitis.
What is the prostate?
Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate due to inflammation of the glandular tissue. As a general rule, prostatitis is more often experienced by men. The main cause of prostatitis is anatomical features of the structure and the location of the prostate gland.
The prostate gland is composed of several fractions, and that with independence are found in the pelvic area. Only one of those fractions has glandular fabric, which consists of a set of hair follicle and outlet of the ducts. In these ducts, accumulates the secret that is known as prostatic juice. This juice serves as breeding ground for spermatogenesis, but also draws from numerous bacteria and viruses that enter in the organs of the sexual system of men. In addition, the prostate gland does not have its own blood flow, which influences the speed of the same in the genital organs. Therefore, when the inflammatory processes begin causing congestion in the own tissue of the breast. Complications of chronic prostatitis can lead to the formation of tumors in the gland, stones or infertility.
Types of prostatitis
There are two major classifications of prostatitis is acute and chronic. As a general rule, acute in 90% of cases results in chronic prostatitis, because during the course of the disease patients did not recover until the end, or have chosen inappropriate medications if chronic prostatitis.
The distinctive feature of the acute chronic prostatitis in that is equipped with the most pronounced of the sintomatologa. The chronic prostatitis is the recurrence in acute form in the cases in which begins the inflammatory process. The exacerbation of the chronic prostatitis, the treatment must be immediate, it is diagnosed almost immediately.
Also prostatitis is divided into two groups on the basis of the foci of inflammation.
- The first group is the bacterial prostatitis. That is to say, the source of the inflammation, are diverse bacterial, viruses, sticks, fungi.
- The second group considers that the cases of prostatitis on the basis of damage to the interior of the gland. They come in all kinds causing congestion of the prostate juice and the blood in the veins of the prostate. The cause of the stagnation is, as a rule, no sex life.

Chronic Prostatitis: causes
Chronic a bacterial prostatitis is called near gram-negative bacteria, which include:
- E. coli;
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
- Enterococci fecal.
Chronic prostatitis infectious caused by different micro-biological foci of the defeat of the prostate:
- Staph;
- Chlamydia;
- Yreaplasma;
- Microplasma and other bacteria transmitted.
In 90% of cases the infection occurs through the impact of the stimulant through the urethra. Also the chronic prostatitis is called suffering from a complication of urethritis.
With regard to the second risk group, it is not about the chronic non-specific prostatitis. The main causes of development of damage in the interior of the prostate is:
- The anal sex not protected;
- Urinary tract infection;
- The urine from the ducts of the breast (intraprostatic reflection);
- The constant use of urethral catheter.
Often leads to chronic prostatitis or exacerbation of a number of internal or external impacts of the body, such as a weakened immune system, physics, chemistry, injuries, the adverse conditions of working, the diseases of the cardiovascular system. How many tries to cure the chronic prostatitis – a clear answer to this question does not exist, because in its treatment influence the various factors that can trigger a relapse.
The symptoms of chronic prostatitis in men
Often chronic non-bacterial prostatitis develops over a long time without symptoms. Therefore, the majority of men come to the clinic only when there is a relapse, which can be expressed as the acute prostatitis or have more than mild symptoms.
When the acute prostatitis the patient is experience pain in the lower region of the pelvis, increased body temperature, inability to have a bowel movement for acute pain, weakness, lethargy, pain in the joints. In general, the clinical picture is expressed as the cause of the poisoning.
When the chronic prostatitis is observed:
- Regular fast passes the pain that I had in the crotch, the groin and the pubis;
- Decreased libido;
- Change of the duration of sexual intercourse (in function of the individuality of the organism occurs or increase the time of ejaculation, or decreased);
- Loss of sexual interest feelings;
- The selection of the urethra;
- You can also have a small temperature of the chronic prostatitis.
The chronic pain of the prostatitis may be more frequent and have more strong and strong, depending on the degree of the injury. The symptoms of an exacerbation of the chronic prostatitis identical to those of the acute form of the disease.
That threat chronic prostatitis
Prostatitis affects mainly the reproductive function of men. The prolonged absence of sexual desire in men, you lose not only the interest to sexual life, but that it alters the process of development of sperm. Therefore, chronic prostatitis, and pregnancy of the wife or sexual partner in this situation are closely related. The treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis, who have reproductive dysfunction, is carried out in the rehabilitation clinic male and female fertility.
The diagnosis of prostatitis
If the husband has chronic prostatitis or merely a suspicion of this disease, as soon as possible it is worth to carry you to a urologist or andrologist. Even if the man realized just a symptom of the above, all the forms should be consulted. The doctor will send a survey that includes:
- Analysis of a variety of infections;
- Ultrasound of the pelvis in the detection of anomalies;
- Rectal examination of the prostate.
When rectal examination, the doctor takes the sowing prostatic juice, which is then in the laboratory is studied in the identification of pathologies and the presence of bacteria. It's not worth giving up any of the techniques of the survey, given that in the event that this may not give you full box clinical status of the prostate and the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis in this case, can only get worse and so uncomfortable for the men of state.
It also performs an analysis of blood to the DOG. This analysis is carried out with the aim of identifying the education in the prostate benign and malignant tumors. DOG prostatitis is an integral part of the survey.
Methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis
Treatment of chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis is difficult to treat due to the duration of the course. But it is chronic prostatitis in remission is not any discomfort to the men. Today the more acceptable and positive results from therapy is anti-bacterial. As in the majority of cases, the cause is the bacteria, depending on the infectious agent, the immunity of the patient, adjust medications for the treatment of. The treatment of chronic prostatitis in men, it is a laborious process that requires a lot of effort and beach of patience, but the result can get the absence of relapses in many years. In most cases, chronic prostatitis, completely has no cure, except in the acute forms of the disease, but the modern methods of medicine do everything you need, so that you can cure the chronic prostatitis. In medicine there are different medicines, with the exacerbation of the chronic prostatitis, which help to alleviate inflammation and remove the swelling.
Also enjoy great popularity magneto-laser-inductotherapy, ultrasound, prostate massage and heat treatments. Prostate massage refers to the most effective methods of struggle against the prostatitis, that is why is not worth to give up trying this way. Medications for the treatment of chronic prostatitis is just the beginning of welfare in the process. For prostatitis not bothered me for a very long time, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive treatment of the chronic prostatitis, which is described below.
Popular methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis
A good effect, and have the tools of folk medicine in the treatment of prostatitis. As well as the chronic prostatitis is one of the oldest of the disease, for a long time we selected different herbs and extracts that contribute to the restoration of the prostate gland in prostatitis. In the popular medicine, in this case, offers a variety of infusions, decoctions, masks, creams, and candles.
The most frequently used are the pumpkin seeds. It can be consumed as seeds 20 sunflower seeds 25 minutes before the intake of food, and you can make an infusion of honey and seeds. It is also recommended that every day before you eat to drink your own hand prepared from the juice of asparagus, carrots, beet, and cucumber.
Also an effective remedy to against the chronic prostatitis is the propolis. It is manufactured candles, on the basis of which it includes, in addition to this plant, rye flour and honey. Thanks to the good antibacterial properties the treatment of chronic prostatitis propolis, reduce the foci of the defeat of the infection. You can also make candles of chronic prostatitis on the basis of propolis and other products.Diet for chronic prostatitis
As with any other disease, the chronic prostatitis requires the fulfillment of certain restrictions at the time of eating. The important products of the feed is converted into products that contain high amounts of zinc. They refer to all nuts, especially pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seeds, cereals. You should avoid acute and salty foods. Elements derived from it, irritate the urinary duct, that leads to the exacerbation of the chronic prostatitis. The power when the chronic prostatitis must be monitored carefully to the sick, while the diet to form the treating physician, depending on the severity of the course of the disease.
The exercises of the chronic prostatitis
The complex of exercises to that of the chronic prostatitis affects the intensity of the circulation of the blood and the metabolism of the thyroid. Therefore, not only is it important to follow a diet and take pills on time, but also each morning, to exercise. To improve the function of the breast, should walk in a squatting position, to do different exercises for the warming up of the muscles of the hips, the pelvis, the lower part of the back. Sex with chronic prostatitis it is recommended, but should be on regular basis and without permanent change of the sexual partner.